Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Toyol Code 2007

UMNO Negeri Diarah
Gerakkan Jentera PRU

Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) menulis dalam kolumnya - The Corridors Of Power - di Malaysia Today, bahawa tidak lama lagi dijangka berlaku satu “ledakan besar” dalam politik Malaysia. Apakah “ledakan besar” itu, sama-samalah kita tunggu kedatangannya.

Hari ini, Toyol saya pula mengirimkan SMS berikut: PRU tak lama lagi. Surat arahan untuk menggerakkan jentera pilihan raya dikeluarkan (oleh Ibu Pejabat UMNO Malaysia?) kepada seluruh Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, semalam (Isnin, 21Mei 2007).

You want to know more? Please read http://kuda-kepang.blogspot.com


Mika Angel-0 said...


The price of oil has up to US70@barrel due to the 'uncertainties' in Nigeria.

The result of the Philliphines' Election is another.

But Abdullah won't want to rush it.
It is not a cheap outing a PRU, you know.

Someone is in the hospital for spinal disorder treatment and the house is not exactly in order.

No, this is a 'smoking out' exercise; and Dirty Hairy is sharp.

Mika Angel-0 said...

"mungkin pada November 2007, selepas Hari Raya Puasa, tetapi sebelum Perhimpunan Agung UMNO."
- Logical and no big deal

"calon Parlimen dan DUN daripada BN terdiri daripada generasi muda di bawah umur 50 tahun?"
- great idea!

" mungkinkah Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak akan disingkirkan menerusi PRK-12?"
- Aha, kita main gin rummy! But it won't happen with the odds heavy on Najib to stay. The logic is warped. Read again.

Bad impression on the Judiciary and Polis. The Razak Baginda Trial starts when? June 4th?

Brilliant piece, though, Bung Cyberprince.


Mika Angel-0 said...
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